fego ascot Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of fego ascot is 01344 874 318 .
Fego cafe ascot is part of the Fego cafe which operates a chain of cafe and restaurants across United Kingdom. Apart from its Ascot store, Fego cafe has stores in Cobham, Sunningdale, Marlow, Gerrards Cross and St. John's Wood, London. Fego cafe started its journey in the year 2003. Fego cafe ascot offers Coffee, Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner services. Some of the menu items available at the Fego cafes are steak and eggs, MEDITERRANEAN BRUNCH, fruit salad, benedict, granola sundae, porridge oats and fresh fruit combo, croissant, classic French toast and duck eggs and soldiers to mention only some. They also offer a variety of brunch drinks such as bloody Mary, deluxe bucks fizz and fruit smoothies. For general enquiries they may be reached at info@fegocaffe.co.uk.

fego ascot Address

The address of fego ascot is Unit B The Hermitage High Street, Ascot Berkshire SL5 7HD UK.

fego ascot Email Address

The email address of fego ascot is manager.ascot@fegocaffe.co.uk,.

fego ascot Website

The Website of fego ascot is www.fegocaffe.co.uk.

fego ascot Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of fego ascot is 01344 874 318 (Click phone number to call).

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