hakeem agha Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of hakeem agha is 021 34312766-7-8 .
Hakeem Syed Abdul Ghaffar Agha is a Pakistani herbal medicine doctor. He is the founder of herbal medicine company, Agha Herbals. He also operates several clinics under the name Matab Al Jabbar across Pakistan. Hakeem Agha appears on many TV shows broadcast on PTV, Masala TV, GEO, QTV and HUM. He is known for treating diseases of skin, stomach, liver, kidney and lungs. Hakeem Agha has pioneered many herbal medicines for skin, hair, stomach and teeth

hakeem agha Address

The address of hakeem agha is 175-P, PECHS Block 2, off Tariq Road, Behind Rehmat-E-Shiren Karachi, Pakistan.

hakeem agha Email Address

The email address of hakeem agha is aghaherbal@hotmail.com.

hakeem agha Website

The Website of hakeem agha is www.aghaherbal.com.

hakeem agha Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of hakeem agha is 021 34312766-7-8 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of hakeem agha Service Center and hakeem agha customer phone number is given below. The helpline of hakeem agha customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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