kappa alpha psi Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of kappa alpha psi is (215) 228-7184 .
Kappa Alpha Psi is a collegiate Greek-letter fraternity comprising of functioning Undergraduate and Alumni Chapters on major campuses and in cities throughout US. It was founded on January 5, 1911 as Kappa Alpha Nu. The motto of the Fraternity is, "Achievement in every field of human endeavor". Kappa Alpha Psi is associated with organizing several national programs such as Guide Right, Kappa League and Student of the Year Competition. The Kappa Alpha Psi Foundation, founded in 1981, is the philanthropic arm of Kappa Alpha Psi and assists both alumni and undergraduate chapters with scholarships, after-school programs and national projects. Kappa Alpha Psi has over 150,000 members and is divided into many provinces (districts/regions). It has founded more than 720 undergraduate, alumni and international chapters including Single Letter Chapters (Alpha, Delta etc.), Chicago Alumni Chapter, Charlotte Alumni Chapter, Bermuda Alumni and many more

kappa alpha psi Address

The address of kappa alpha psi is 2322-24 N Broad St Philadelphia, PA 19132 US.

kappa alpha psi Email Address

The email address of kappa alpha psi is A.eagle@kappaalphapsi.com.

kappa alpha psi Website

The Website of kappa alpha psi is www.kappaalphapsi1911.com.

kappa alpha psi Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of kappa alpha psi is (215) 228-7184 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of kappa alpha psi Service Center and kappa alpha psi customer phone number is given below. The helpline of kappa alpha psi customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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