ohip occupational health internship program Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of ohip occupational health internship program is +1 888-347-2632 .
Occupational Health Internship Program (OHIP) is a full time, paid summer internship designed to link the skills and interests of students with the needs of workers employed in an under-served or high hazard job. It is aimed at recruiting, training, mentoring and inspiring a new generation of occupational safety and health professionals. OHIP has several training sites in San Francisco Bay Area, San Diego, Boston, Denver, St. Paul/Minneapolis etc. Teams of two interns are assigned to a worker organization where they receive supervision from a designated staff member and a Site Coordinator at one of these training sites.

ohip occupational health internship program Address

The address of ohip occupational health internship program is Washington, District of Columbia.

ohip occupational health internship program Email Address

The email address of ohip occupational health internship program is sjacobs@irle.ucla.edu.

ohip occupational health internship program Website

The Website of ohip occupational health internship program is aoec.org.

ohip occupational health internship program Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of ohip occupational health internship program is +1 888-347-2632 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of ohip occupational health internship program Service Center and ohip occupational health internship program customer phone number is given below. The helpline of ohip occupational health internship program customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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