Alabama Labor Board Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Alabama Labor Board is +1-866-487-9243 / (205) 944-1075 .
Alabama Labor Board is an international federal agency which protects the rights, improve the wages and working conditions of the labor in the United States. The National Labor Board was established in 1993 and is headquartered in Washington DC. The Labor board works for the welfare of the labors and provides the opportunities of employment. Department of labor board offers the health services to the workers and their families in the United States. It mission is to develop and promote the welfare of the wage earner and laborer. Alabama Labor board provides assistance for improving working conditions of the workers, and advance opportunity for beneficial employment and also assures for work related right and Benefits in the United States.

Mission Of Alabama Labor Board

The mission of the Alabama Department of Labor is to furnish state and federal mandated workforce protection programs promoting a positive economic environment for the members as well as workers of Alabama and to issue all kind of information on the Alabama economy.

Visiting Address Of Alabama Labor Board

Customers who have questions or complaints regarding the Alabama Labor Board services can visit at the given address to communicate with the officials:
649 Monroe Street, Montgomery,
Alabama 36131, United States

Customer Care Numbers Of Alabama Labor Board

To know about the services offered by Alabama Labor Board, customers can get information by connecting to the representatives at the given numbers:
  • Worker's Compensation: (334) 353-0690 / (334) 353-0515
  • Labor Market Information: (334) 242-8861 / (334) 242-8862
  • Unemployment Compensation: 1-866-234-5382 / (334) 242-8025
  • Inspections - Mining, Boilers and Elevators: (334) 242-8265 / (205) 944-1075
  • Information Systems: (334) 206-6028 / (334) 206-6047
  • /ul>

    Career Opportunities offered by Alabama Labor Board

    Alabama Labor Board offers many job positions to the talented and dedicated applicants with out any range. Applicants want to be a member of this outstanding organization can check the details regarding the current vacancies available at Alabama Labor Board through the given site:

    Customer Service Hours At Alabama Labor Board

    For assistance regarding Alabama Labor Board services customers can communicate with the officials during the hours written below:
    Monday - Friday, 08:00AM - 05:00PM

    Alabama Labor Board Address

    The address of Alabama Labor Board is 649 Monroe Street, Montgomery, Alabama 36131, United States.

    Alabama Labor Board Website

    The Website of Alabama Labor Board is

    Alabama Labor Board Customer Support Service Phone Number

    The customer support phone number of Alabama Labor Board is +1-866-487-9243 / (205) 944-1075 (Click phone number to call).

    The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Alabama Labor Board Service Center and Alabama Labor Board customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Alabama Labor Board customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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Alabama Labor Board Customer Service Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

No complaints and reviews so far for Alabama Labor Board.To add review or complaint against Alabama Labor Board Click Here.
We advise you to express your problem or complaint against Alabama Labor Board. your phone number should be mentioned in your comment, so that Alabama Labor Board will communicate to you on your phone number mentioned in your comment.
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