Bouygues Telecom Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Bouygues Telecom is 33 1 39 26 75 00, Fax: 33 1 39 26 75 01 .
Bouygues Telecom is a Telecom corporation. The company provides Mobile phone and internet service. They provide service both business class and professional customer. Bouygues telecom was created in 1994. Patrice Rancon is Assistant Managing Director of Finance and Management and Member of Management Board, Yves Legrand is Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Director of Technical Operations and Olivier Roussat is Chairman of The Board and Chief Executive Officer of the corporation. They also offer fast speed broadband service.

Important Contact Phone Number of Bouygues Telecom

For all Inqueries you can call by the given numbers below:
From a landline or mobile of another operator call at: 1064
From abroad call at:
+33 660 614 614,
+33 664 00 20 20,
+33 668 634 634,
+33 660 618 618
For Lost or stolen mobile call at: 0 800 29 10 00

The company provide service More Than ten million subscriber. It is the biggest mobile phone service provider. Customer can also avail information regarding service through company help line number. They provide 24hour help line service. The services provided by the Bouygues Telecom is mentioned as Bouygues telecom, Service De telecommunications Mobile, Fixe and TV Et internet. You can also get more and desired information about services by calling the given following alternate number: 0810 825 614, +33 653 19 09 13, 0 800 29 1000.

Telephones mobiles of Bouygues Telecom

  • Smartphones Apple
  • Smartphones Samsung
  • Smartphones Sony
  • Smartphones HTC
  • Smartphones Huawei
  • Smartphones Nokia

The Bouygues Telecom also render a internet services such as Box Internet, Services pour la Bbox, Clé Internet 3G and 4G and Box Internet Pro. The Bouygues telecom has launched App, you can download the Mobile from Google Play or App Store by visiting the given link:

Bouygues Telecom Address

The address of Bouygues Telecom is 32 avenue Hoche Paris, France.

Bouygues Telecom Email Address

The email address of Bouygues Telecom is

Bouygues Telecom Website

The Website of Bouygues Telecom is

Bouygues Telecom Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Bouygues Telecom is 33 1 39 26 75 00, Fax: 33 1 39 26 75 01 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Bouygues Telecom Service Center and Bouygues Telecom customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Bouygues Telecom customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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Bouygues Telecom Phone Number Customer Service

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Bouygues Telecom Customer Service Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care male
Mr. Zeyyadin Ates CallsDec 14, 2023

Mr. Zeyyadin Ates On Phone To Bouygues Telecom Service
Bonjour madame et monsieur, notre contrat d'un de 15 euros se termine ce mois-ci. Par ailleur, je tiens à vous rappeler que j'ai déclaré à plusieurs reprises lors d'appels téléphoniques que je n'acceptais aucun tarif. Je vous informe égalment par écritque je n'approuve aucun changement de tarif. C'est porquoi je souhaite le contrat ne sera pas prolongé. Bonne journée. 14/12/23.

Customer care male
Mr. Didier Wacogne CallsFeb 18, 2019

Mr. Didier Wacogne On Phone To Bouygues Telecom Service
Excusez moi je m'en souviens le 4321 c'est le code pour debloque mon mobile alors le premier code quand j'alljumes mon mobile c'est le 0000
j'aimerai recevoir mon puk code par email merci vue je suis a l'etranger

AIDEZ MOI PLUS VITE POSSIBLE car mes numeros contacte est sur le SIM BOUygues
Bien a vous
Didier Wacogne .

Bouygues Telecom Customer Service Care Phone Number 322402
Mr. Didier Wacogne CallsFeb 18, 2019

Mr. Didier Wacogne On Phone To Bouygues Telecom Service
Bonjour j'ai perdu la carte de mon puk code et jai mal mis mon numero pour debloque la Sim Micro. Et la j'ai pas de telephone pour vous contactez je suis en voyage a l'etranger
Je suis Mr Didier Wacogne . MON NUMERO MOBILE 0760986270 ET LE PIN 4321


Bouygues Telecom Phone Number Customer Care Service
Customer care male
Mr. Jonas CallsMar 21, 2018

Mr. Jonas On Phone To Bouygues Telecom Service
My BlackBerry Q10' network is locked
I am currently in Africa. Ghana

Thank you.

Customer care female
Ms. Sally Moore CallsJun 17, 2017

Ms. Sally Moore On Phone To Bouygues Telecom Service
Depuis orage mercredi nous avons pas de reseau mobile Bouygues a la maison. Hier vendredi matin on a eu 15 minutes. Jeudi Nous avons appeller service client pour attendre ten minutes et puis apprendre que la panne sera réglée sous peu. Deux jours apres toujours pas de reseau. On a besoin fe solution immédiat et remboursement. Nous sommes trois abonnées dans la maison. Mme Sally Moore 0450773188 sally. Moore@bbox. Fr.

Customer care male
Mr. R Pegler CallsJun 07, 2017

Mr. R Pegler On Phone To Bouygues Telecom Service

I have been trying to email/message Bouygues concerning my service - 0658460909
I am in Australia and cannot phone - I also require to communicate in English

Your chat line is never available.

Customer care male
Mr. Troy Holland CallsSep 19, 2018

Mr. Troy Holland On Phone To Bouygues Telecom Service
I have signed up for the Bbox internet and phone service, but I need an engineer to re establish my telephone point in my new home. My account number is : 51 28 52 330
My address is: three Rue De Pountet, Caudies-de-Fenouilledes, 66220, France

I wanted to speak to someone, but I need an English speaking customer service person that I was told when singing up, that I would be able to speak too. My phone number is 0044 07540531607.

Customer care male
Mr. Jon Morgan CallsJun 24, 2016

Mr. Jon Morgan On Phone To Bouygues Telecom Service
I need to speak with you in English please. I have tried phoning, but your voice mail is too fast to understand. Please is there an english speaking service?.

Customer care male
Mr. Alwin Mani CallsApr 14, 2016

Mr. Alwin Mani On Phone To Bouygues Telecom Service
Hello sir, I am studying in France. But I speak only English. I am using BBOX. Now I want to cancel the contract. Please help me what to do. My phone number is 0783642883. When I went to Bouygue office at Rouen, they told me to call customer care of Bouygue. I am a student in Rouen. Now I got Internship at Castre. So I am moving to castre, France. The house owner told me their I have to use another internet.

Customer care male
Mr. Sean Baggs CallsJan 25, 2016

Mr. Sean Baggs On Phone To Bouygues Telecom Service

Mon téléphone portable a été perdu ou volé en Inde la semaine dernière. Je pense qu'une personne utilise mon portable. Je permis le blocage de mon mobile svp. Le numero est 0664368671. Mon numero en Angleterre aujourd'hui est 00447766998790


Sean Baggs

Le Clos Rabelais
34 Rue Rabelais
37130 France

Customer care male
Mr. James Parker CallsNov 03, 2015

Mr. James Parker On Phone To Bouygues Telecom Service
Message from James Parker . Do you have an English speaking helpline. Mobile no 00447860129642.

Customer care male
Mr. James Parker CallsNov 02, 2015

Mr. James Parker On Phone To Bouygues Telecom Service
Hi I wonder if you can help, I have an account with you for internet in France, I have some problem with my bill, is there a number I can call you on to explain in English, or a website I can use without having to access my account as at the moment I cant get into the account without a user name and password, and I do not seem to have either. Thanks in anticipation of your help. Best wishes. James Parker .

Customer care male
Mr. Larry Sheeran CallsOct 09, 2015

Mr. Larry Sheeran On Phone To Bouygues Telecom Service
I have a bbox with the basic range of television channels. An italian lady will be in my apartment for a month in January - is it possible to subscribe for one month to the italian channels and, if so, what is the procedure - I am in UK so must arrange by internet. Thank you.

Customer care male
Mr. Bruce Lucas CallsJun 29, 2015

Mr. Bruce Lucas On Phone To Bouygues Telecom Service
I apologize for not speaking French, but we purchased a SIM 0664844923 while in France and recharged it again in France. We have found that the phone ceased to work once we crossed into Luxemburg and it also has not worked in Belgium. What is the problem.

Customer care female
Ms. James Braver CallsJun 19, 2015

Ms. James Braver On Phone To Bouygues Telecom Service
I am in the USA. Just returned from Toulouse. Bought a Bouygues SIM card at a store. I paid 13 Euro for card and was made to pay an additional 40 Euro. In short, got did not work (I think for a day or two only) and was a total disaster for me not to mention I feel like I got ripped off for paying so much money for nothing in return. Please contact me: Jim Braver (USA)

Customer care male
Mr. James Braver CallsJun 19, 2015

Mr. James Braver On Phone To Bouygues Telecom Service
I just returned on June 17th from France to Boston. On June 11th, I bought a Bouygues SIM card at Toulouse airport. In short, it was a total disaster and I had no phone for a week. I was able to use it for a short time for GPS and also for internet. I was made to pay an additional 40 Euros which expired in 12 hours and did nothing for me. The customer service line was completely useless. I paid 13 Euros for the card, 40 Euros for time I never used and I feel I was completely ripped off. It was a total disaster for me and made my trip extremely difficult not to mention losing money. I would appreciate it if someone could contact me. James Braver 617

Customer care male
Mr. Arthur CallsDec 01, 2014

Mr. Arthur On Phone To Bouygues Telecom Service
No complaint, I have a question. Do you have an English speaking helpline please ?

Customer care female
Ms. jennifer noto Says Jun 11, 2015

Same question. Can not really be that difficult since orange is capable of helping non french speaking customers.

Customer care female
Ms. Patricia Boyes CallsNov 26, 2014

Ms. Patricia Boyes On Phone To Bouygues Telecom Service
I have a Contrat De Service which I wrote to Bouygues (Calais) to cancel on 23th of September 2014, but since then, two further payments have been charged to my bank account. My details are as follows: Telephone number 06 62 84 33 43, SIM number 893320 ten 13 05 50 42 570
Contrat De Service number AD 140806-68432. This contract should have been canceled by now,but I am still being charged. Please advise as soon as possible how this matter can be resolved.

Customer care male
Mr. Karim Ashour CallsOct 11, 2014

Mr. Karim Ashour On Phone To Bouygues Telecom Service
Dear Bouyges Telecom team,
Hope you are doing well.
I had a problem in my internet box, there is no connection. When the technician came to set the internet, he told me that there was a problem in the connection and another technician would call you to come to fix this problem. Up to now, i received nothing. Please help me to solve this problem, my entire work is based on the internet and am facing many problem due this problem of the internet.
Name: Karim
Telephone number of internet box: 0983663995
Mobile number is 0762734618
Address: nine Rue De Lota, Paris, 16em
Many thanks and best regards,

Customer care user complaints