Dennys Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Dennys is 1800 7336697 .
Denny's is a public company which is related with Restaurant industry. Denny's was founded in 1953 by Harold Butler and Richard Jezak. In some location Denny's also known as Denny's Diner and provides the services of service pancake house, coffee shop and fast casual family restaurant chain. The brand have more than 1500 restaurants in the United States, Puerto Rico, Canada, Dominican Republic, Curacao, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Honduras, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates. The restaurant provides meals for different categories of Lunch, Breakfast, Dinner, beverages and much more. The company is known for the healthy food provider in the different countries. Denny's restaurant do not close the restaurant on the holidays even in the night, expect where mandatory by law to close in night and holiday. The main objective of the company is to provide the best class food for the peoples of the nation. The company is also work for the animal welfare to address the animal issues. Denny's started franchising in 1963, and today most of the Denny’s restaurants are franchisee-owned.

History of Denny's

In 1953, Harold Butler and Richard Jezak opened the Denny's Donuts. Previously the brand is running by the coffee shops. The business continued to grow. In the year of 1981, there were over 1,000 restaurants of the brand in more than 50 geographical locations in the United States. Denny's restaurant becomes the largest sponsor of children charity in the year 1994. To provide the more services and with the continued growth in the business line the brand started to provide the free birthday meals for the birthday of anybody. Denny's began renovating its stores, with a lighter color scheme in 1994.

Dennys Address

The address of Dennys is Denny's Call Center, 203 East Main Street P-7-3, Spartanburg, SC 29319, USA.

Dennys Website

The Website of Dennys is

Dennys Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Dennys is 1800 7336697 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Dennys Service Center and Dennys customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Dennys customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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Customer care male
Mr. Daryl Traster CallsFeb 15, 2018

Mr. Daryl Traster On Phone To Dennys Service
The setup how setup pleas to be all help the
Bing the in
more setup new Denny "s restaurants in
Omaha Nebraska
all please the soon
in Omaha nebraska.

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