Dewalt Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Dewalt is +1-800-433-9258 .
Dewalt commonly written as "DeWALT" is one of the most eminent global brand of power tools and hand tools used worldwide for different purposes like construction, building works and in woodworking industries. The brand was introduced to the world by Raymond E. DeWalt in the year 1936. The brand operates like business name for the Stanley Black & decker Incorporation. Furthermore, the Stanley Black & Decker Incorporation is a Fortune-500 listed manufacturer of industrial tools and household hardware and security Products Company founded by Frederick Trent Stanley, S. Duncan Black and Alonzo G. Decker in 1843. The company has its global presence in the United States, Canada, Europe and Asia.

Detailed Information

DeWALT is the name of both a brand and company under which its owner company sells different types of power tools and hand tools. Dewalt Corporation is the owner of Dewalt brand, which is a subsidiary of "Stanley Black & Decker" that is also active in the field of manufacturing of related products like industrial tools and household hardware products.


Dewalt Corporation was established by Raymond E. DeWalt, who invented the radial arm saw in the year. The company grew quickly that forced "American Machine & Foundry Co., Inc." to bought the company in the year 1949. It was again sold to "Black & Decker Corporation" in the year 1960. The brand is mainly known for products like drilling machines, circular saw, cutting accessories, hammer drill, fasteners, abrasives, impact drivers, etc.

Customer Service

Dewalt operates a large network of customer service centers for providing after-sales services like repair services for the products sold by the company. In addition to that it operates a customer care center employed with professionals for providing support services related to their products.

Dewalt Address

The address of Dewalt is 701, E Joppa Road, Baltimore, MD-21286, Maryland, United States.

Dewalt Website

The Website of Dewalt is

Dewalt Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Dewalt is +1-800-433-9258 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Dewalt Service Center and Dewalt customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Dewalt customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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