Frigidaire USA Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Frigidaire USA is 1 (800) 374-4432 .
Frigidaire is a company based in American that offers various brands of appliances, both consumer and domestic. The Frigidaire company got its foundation in 1918. The main unit or hub of this company has got its location in Charlotte, N.C. Frigidaire USA came into existence by the efforts of the Guardian Frigerator Company. In the time span between 1919-1979, frigidaire USA was in the possessions of General Motors. Later on in 1979 it was fully owned by another company named "White Sewing Machine Company".

Products of Frigidaire USA

  • Kitchen Appliances
  • Laundry ProductsHome Comfort ProductsFilters & Accessories

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Contacts and Contact Timings of Frigidaire USA

    Customer support for USA
  • 1 (866) 738-1640
  • Monday to Friday from 8am-6pm EST

Frigidaire USA Source of Knowledge

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