Maharashtra Institute of Technology Aurangabad Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Maharashtra Institute of Technology Aurangabad is 02402375375 .

Maharashtra Institute of Technology - MIT Aurangabad was established in 2001 by Gramodyogik Shikshan Mandal trust. Gramodyogik Shikshan Mandal (GSM), Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India is the parent trust (Organization) established in 1975 under Bombay Public Trust Act and also registered under Society Registration Act {this is a pre requisite to start any educational, research and training institute in India}. Over last three and half decades, GSM has established 19 institutes and 5 centers of learning at multiple locations in India. GSM has grown organically in three important provinces of India, viz. Maharashtra (Western India), Delhi (National Capital) and Uttar Pradesh (Northern India). More than 12000 full time and 2500 part time students are on different campuses for primary to post graduate education and vocational training.

The Gramodyogik Shikshan Mandal is established to create opportunities for the unprivileged and underprivileged young generation to have meaningful education and training. Answer to this is Maharashtra Institute of Technology - MIT Aurangabad. In the narrow spectrum of technical education, to create opportunities of learning may be a task of few years span in life of any individual. However, it is a continuous, constant and lifelong process of learning in the life for an institution like Maharashtra Institute of Technology - MIT Aurangabad. To keep pace of changes in knowledge and skills, the community has to have confidence in the courses which are offered, are enjoying highest standard and lead to meaningful careers. This organization is striving for this goal. The worth of any organization depends upon what they know, rather than what they own.

Maharashtra Institute of Technology - MIT Aurangabad has developed strong linkages between industry, government and non government organization. Maharashtra Institute of Technology - MIT Aurangabad is a pioneer in establishing mutually beneficial triangular partnership among academic institutions, industry and government organizations. Maharashtra Institute of Technology - MIT Aurangabad has been associated with hundreds of companies’ for imparting students training and placement. It also provides solutions to live problems and works on research projects of industries. By serving as catalyst for industry-academic partnerships, Maharashtra Institute of Technology - MIT Aurangabad attempts to bring intellectual capital and emerging technologies together to improve quality of engineering and technology education. This in turn contributes to build India’s capacity for intellectual and economic growth. To ensure this, Maharashtra Institute of Technology - MIT Aurangabad is doing its best through qualified, experienced and devoted faculty. This will infuse success into a specific program and also enrich its academic level within the hierarchy from entry level to final stage. This organization is slowly transforming itself from a teaching institution to a place of full opportunities of learning institution.

Maharashtra Institute of Technology - MIT Aurangabad objective is to build engineers who have an impressive personality, right attitude and strong communication skills, not to mention innovative and creative thinking. Thus we give due attention to not just academics, but all the other things that help them in overall development of student personality. Students are motivated to take part in co-curricular/ extracurricular activities in order to enhance their existing skills and develop new ones.

Maharashtra Institute of Technology - MIT Aurangabad offers wide range of courses for graduation level in faculty of - engineering and technology, management, architecture, science and nursing, for post graduation programs in engineering and technology, management, information technology, and architecture, for vocational level - polytechnic, vocational programs, industrial skill set programs and technical school level programs.

Maharashtra Institute of Technology - MIT Aurangabad is located at Beed Bypass Road, Aurangabad, Maharashtra. Maharashtra Institute of Technology - MIT Aurangabad are having Central library, equipped with Books, Journals, Magazines in science, engineering, technology, humanities, social sciences and management. Our Libraries also have separate collections of Reference Books. The Digital library is located in the Library building and is having excellent collection of e-Books, Journals and Magazines. Maharashtra Institute of Technology - MIT Aurangabad is pioneer in setting up of the digital library in the region. Digital library caters the international journals from ASME, ASCE. It offers the large collections from Delnet. Has a very big collection of References, Magazines, Journals, Periodicals, Dailies, Videocassettes, CDs, e-volumes of references etc.

Maharashtra Institute of Technology - MIT Aurangabad has separate Hostels for boys and girls. Amenities such as reading room, indoor games room, lounge and dining hall and a mess are facilitated for every hostel. The internet and intranet are available to each hostel. 24/7 basis power supply is available. There is a canteen facility available in the Maharashtra Institute of Technology - MIT Aurangabad campus which serves quality food. There is SBI Branch, well equipped assuring instant deposits and withdrawals - saving precious time. ATM facility is also available.

Maharashtra Institute of Technology - MIT Aurangabad has a super-specialist Hospital with a team of highly specialized Doctors and State of art Hospital equipments is available. A large and efficient security force, offering its services to all the buildings, including the residential areas and the gates, Security kiosk are present at an accessible distance from all points on Maharashtra Institute of Technology - MIT Aurangabad campus. A well equipped gymnasium is available. Student customer stores, Group insurance, STD/PCO, Reprography, Medical facility, Transportation / Commuting and Sports, e-commerce centre, Railway e-ticketing, Mobile charging, e-shopping etc.

Maharashtra Institute of Technology Aurangabad Address

The address of Maharashtra Institute of Technology Aurangabad is Beed Bypass Road, Aurangabad, Maharashtra.

Maharashtra Institute of Technology Aurangabad Email Address

The email address of Maharashtra Institute of Technology Aurangabad is

Maharashtra Institute of Technology Aurangabad Website

The Website of Maharashtra Institute of Technology Aurangabad is

Maharashtra Institute of Technology Aurangabad Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Maharashtra Institute of Technology Aurangabad is 02402375375 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Maharashtra Institute of Technology Aurangabad Service Center and Maharashtra Institute of Technology Aurangabad customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Maharashtra Institute of Technology Aurangabad customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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