Alfa Laval, Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Alfa Laval, is + 91 22 276 918 32 .
Alfa Laval AB is a company of engineering products and services based in Sweden which has its headquarters in Lund, Sweden. It was began its journey in 1883. Anders Narvinger is the chairman of the company, Lars Renstrom is the president and chief executive officer. As per 2012 records, it had its revenue of about $4,520.96 billion and a group of 16,419 people globally. Alfa Laval has more than 32 manufacturing facilities. It provides various engineering products and services for heavy industry regarding chemicals, pharmaceuticals, starch etc. Alfa Laval AB company is working through its subsidiary companies in approximately 35 countries across the world. It has its one service center at Ghansoli Navi Mumbai, Thane, Maharashtra, India. The Corresponding services of Alfa Laval service center are Alfa Laval authorized service center, Alfa Laval service kit, Alfa Laval service manual, Alfa Laval support, Alfa Laval Benelux and Alfa Laval training. Fax No: + 91 22 276 078 34

Alfa Laval, Address

The address of Alfa Laval, is Plot No. R.-674, MIDC, Rebale, TTC Industrial Area, Post Ghansoli Navi Mumbai - 400701, Thane, Maharashtra, India.

Alfa Laval, Email Address

The email address of Alfa Laval, is

Alfa Laval, Website

The Website of Alfa Laval, is

Alfa Laval, Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Alfa Laval, is + 91 22 276 918 32 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Alfa Laval, Service Center and Alfa Laval, customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Alfa Laval, customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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