Panasonic Mississauga Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Panasonic Mississauga is 647-497-7452 .
Panasonic Corporation is a worldwide Electronic service provider company that was came into the electronic business on 13 March, 1918 in Osaka, Japan. The founder of Panasonic Company is Konosuke Matsushita and Fumio Ohtsubo is the Chairman, Masayuki Matsushita is the Vice Chairman and Kazuhiro Tsuga is the President of company. It has its headquarters in Kadoma, Osaka, Japan. The company manufactures digital cameras, kitchen appliances, home appliances, televisions, projectors, audio systems, video systems and many more. There are around four subsidiaries of Panasonic Corporation named Panasonic Avionics Corporation, Panasonic Electric Works, Universal Lighting Technologies and Kawakita Denki Kigyosha. Moreover, the company is also offering its service center and Panasonic Sales and Service is an electronic service center, located in Mississauga, Canada. The service center services Panasonic Home Vacuum Cleaners and other electronic appliances. The Corresponding services of Panasonic Mississauga service center are Panasonic replacement parts, Panasonic Microwave service center, Panasonic technical support and Panasonic phone support.

Panasonic Mississauga Address

The address of Panasonic Mississauga is 710 Wilson Ave, North York, ON M3K 1E2, Mississauga, Canada.

Panasonic Mississauga Website

The Website of Panasonic Mississauga is

Panasonic Mississauga Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Panasonic Mississauga is 647-497-7452 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Panasonic Mississauga Service Center and Panasonic Mississauga customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Panasonic Mississauga customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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