Art Institute of Vancouver Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Art Institute of Vancouver is +1 604-683-9200 .
Art Institute of Vancouver is one of the art institutes which is an association of for-profit colleges and having nearly 50 art institutes in the United States and Canada. These institutes offers education in several disciplines such as master's degrees, bachelor's degrees, associate degrees, and certificate courses in visual, creative, applied and culinary arts. These institutes are run by the parent company of the association called the Education Management Corporation which holds its Head Office in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Art Institute of Vancouver was formed back in the year 1982 and known as Dubrulle International Culinary & Hotel Institute of Canada. The address and contact number of Art Institute of Vancouver is also used for Art Institute of Vancouver Review, Art Institute of Vancouver Tuition, Art Institute of Vancouver Housing, Art Institute of Vancouver Interior Design, The Art Institute of Vancouver Brain Test and The Art Institute of Vancouver Jobs.

Art Institute of Vancouver Address

The address of Art Institute of Vancouver is 2665 Renfrew St Vancouver, BC V5M 0A7, Canada.

Art Institute of Vancouver Website

The Website of Art Institute of Vancouver is

Art Institute of Vancouver Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Art Institute of Vancouver is +1 604-683-9200 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Art Institute of Vancouver Service Center and Art Institute of Vancouver customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Art Institute of Vancouver customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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