Hec Montreal Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Hec Montreal is +1 514-340-6000, Fax No: 514 340-6411 .
The Hec Montreal is an independent affiliated business school which belongs to the Université de Montréal. The school was founded by the Chambre de commerce de Montréal with the help of the Saint-Jean-Baptiste Society in 1907 as École des Hautes Études Commerciales, and later in 2002, the school's name was changed into current name. The school is noted for the researching in the fields of finance, economics, logistics, information technologies and operations research. As of 2012-2013, the school has an average student of 12,000, and for the providing of education for these students, approximately 250 professors have been appointed in this school. The address and contact number of Hec Montreal is also used for Hec Montreal Ranking, Hec Montreal Mba, Hec Montreal Reputation, Hec Montreal Admission, Hec Montreal Bibliotheque, Hec Montreal Economics and Hec Montreal Registrariat .

Hec Montreal Address

The address of Hec Montreal is 3000, Chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine, Montreal, QC H3S 2G4, Canada.

Hec Montreal Email Address

The email address of Hec Montreal is webmestre@hec.ca.

Hec Montreal Website

The Website of Hec Montreal is www.hec.ca.

Hec Montreal Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Hec Montreal is +1 514-340-6000, Fax No: 514 340-6411 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Hec Montreal Service Center and Hec Montreal customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Hec Montreal customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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