Bhinneka Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Bhinneka is (021) 2929-2828, Fax: (021) 4257787 .
Bhinneka.Com is a privately-held company which operates a e-commerce website in Indonesia. Bhinneka.Com has become the first online website to provide all appliances, mobile phones, computers etc related repairs and warranty services through its service centers across the country. Bhinneka.Com received various awards which includes Digital Marketing Award, Indonesian Microsoft Country Partner of the Year 2012 and much more. In Indonesia, the company is also known as one of the authorized apple reseller, HP premier business partner and Microsoft certified partner etc.

Bhinneka.Com offers complete range of products in various categories such as computer-related products, digital equipments, home and kitchen appliances, tools and much more. The company is engaged in providing after sales repair services to its selling appliances and others repairable products through its service centers in Indonesia.

Bhinneka.Com came into existence in the year 1993 with its first off-line store. The company is completely owned and operated through its owner Hendrik Tio. The corporate office of this company is situated in Jakarta, Indonesia which performs all business operations.

Bhinneka Address

The address of Bhinneka is Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya No. 73C 5-6, Jakarta 10610, Indonesia.

Bhinneka Website

The Website of Bhinneka is

Bhinneka Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Bhinneka is (021) 2929-2828, Fax: (021) 4257787 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Bhinneka Service Center and Bhinneka customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Bhinneka customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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