Fossil Metro Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Fossil Metro is +1-800-449-3056 .
Fossil is a famed brand of Fossil, Inc. which manufactures recreational products. The company designs and manufactures various apparel and accessories. Its principal products are watches and jewelry. Fossil also deals in wallets, handbags, belts, shoes, sunglasses and much more. It offers its products for both Men and Women. Fossil also offers various goods for other brands including Michele, Zodiac, Relic, Burberry, Emporio Armani, Michael kors, Marc by Marc Jacobs, Dkny, karl Lagerfeld, Tory Burch, Diesel, Armani Exchange, Adidas, Watch Station and Skagen. The company launched a wristwatch Computer named as Fossil Wrist PDA in the year 2003. After three years in 2006, it launched a Caller ID watch.

The company laid its foundation in the year 1984, by the great effort of Tom Kartsotis. It operates its all functions and operations from its corporate headquarters Richardson, Texas, United States. It serving its customers through more than 400 authorized retailers, 4,000 wholesale locations, distributors and service centers situated throughout the United States, Australia, South Africa, France, United Kingdom and others.

As of 2014, the company has approximately 13,000 employees. Fossil, Inc. provides warranty and repair services of watches leather goods and sunglasses through its authorized service center. The company is rewarded with various awards such as Most Effective Use of Online Creative, Best of Show awards and others. The Corresponding services of Fossil Metro service center are Fossil Corporate Headquarters, Fossil Watches repair center and Metro service center payment.

Fossil Service Center Dallas, Texas
Address: Metro Service Center, 10615 Sanden Drive, Dallas, Texas 75238, United States
Phone Number: +1-800-842-8621

Fossil Metro Address

The address of Fossil Metro is 901 South, Central Expressway, Richardson, Texas 75080, United States.

Fossil Metro Website

The Website of Fossil Metro is

Fossil Metro Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Fossil Metro is +1-800-449-3056 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Fossil Metro Service Center and Fossil Metro customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Fossil Metro customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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