Black and Decker Boston Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Black and Decker Boston is 01205 362736, Fax No: Fax: 01205 351374 .
Black and Decker Corporation is a private manufacturing company of power tools, hardware, home improvement products and fastening technology. In the power tool category, the company makes many types of tools like cutting tools, machine tools, hand and edge tools and power driven hand tools. The company came into this business by the joint efforts of S. Duncan Black and Alonzo G. Decker in 1910. Today, Black & Decker has gained a reputed name by the manufacturing of reliable and top class products for home and commercial sectors. Its products are distributed in more than 100 countries, and to control its large network of distributors, its main office is located in Towson, Maryland, USA. J.Carr & Son Ltd. It is specializes in the selling and repairing of lawnmowers, power tools, garden equipment, hand tools, woodworking machinery and such other Electronic tools. It is a multi-brand service center, which provides its services for major brands such as Black and Decker, Bosch, DeWalt, Skil, Dremel, Makita, Metabo, Hitachi, Cub Cadet, Yard-Man, Agrifab, Scheppach and much more. Working hours: Monday to Friday 10:00am to 04:00 pm.

Black and Decker Boston Address

The address of Black and Decker Boston is 9-10, Horncastle Road, Boston, Lincolnshire, PE21 9BN, England.

Black and Decker Boston Email Address

The email address of Black and Decker Boston is

Black and Decker Boston Website

The Website of Black and Decker Boston is

Black and Decker Boston Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Black and Decker Boston is 01205 362736, Fax No: Fax: 01205 351374 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Black and Decker Boston Service Center and Black and Decker Boston customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Black and Decker Boston customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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