Bsnl Amritsar Contact Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Bsnl Amritsar Contact is 9417000893 .
BSNL is originally known as Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited, is an Indian government-based oldest and largest service provider company of telecommunication services. Bsnl was incorporated on September 15th, 2000 having main office in New Delhi, India. The company provides several telecommunications services such as fixed line and mobile telephony, internet services, broadband services, 2G and 3G GSM network, digital television services, IPTV services, cellular mobile telephone services, WLL-CDMA telephone services and some other services. BSNL's name is mostly known in fixed telephony and mobile telephony services, and in these fields, the company has gained the fourth position across the country. As of June 2011, BSNL had provided its services to more than 95 million customers. BSNL's business is spread with customer service centers across the country. In Amritsar, BSNL's service center located in Ranjit Avenue, which offers various facilities such as Landline services, High-Speed Broadband services, ISDN, Mobile network (Prepaid/Postpaid), Recharge coupons, ITC cards, Centrex, VAS services, Bills payments etc. The Corresponding services of Bsnl Amritsar service center are Bsnl Amritsar bill inquiry and Bsnl Amritsar broadband plans. To find other nearest service center, can log on to the official website.

Bsnl Amritsar Contact Address

The address of Bsnl Amritsar Contact is Ranjit Avenue, Block-B, Amritsar, Punjab, India.

Bsnl Amritsar Contact Email Address

The email address of Bsnl Amritsar Contact is

Bsnl Amritsar Contact Website

The Website of Bsnl Amritsar Contact is

Bsnl Amritsar Contact Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Bsnl Amritsar Contact is 9417000893 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Bsnl Amritsar Contact Service Center and Bsnl Amritsar Contact customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Bsnl Amritsar Contact customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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