Bosch Antwerpen Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Bosch Antwerpen is +32-3-237.85.02 .
Robert Bosch GmbH (simply Bosch) is belongs to Stuttgart, Germany, and its name is known in the four business sectors, consumer goods, industrial technology, automotive technology and energy and Building technology. In automotive technology, the company deals in brakes, electrical drives, electronics automobile products, fuel systems, starter motors, generators and steering systems. Besides this, the company also makes a huge range of home appliances and power tools. Bosch is in this business since 1986, and it was first introduced as Workshop for Precision Mechanics and Electrical Engineering from Stuttgart. Bosch was introduced by the toil of Robert Bosch. In 1937, the company's identification had been changed into current name. The Bosch Group's business is presence with more than 360 subsidiaries in 50 countries. Bosch sells its products in more than 150 nations. In Belgium, Bosch was introduced in 1907. It has opened its main branches in Tienen, Herentals Brussels and Aartselaar. More than 1,650 employees are work to complete the needs of Belgium people. To search nearest stores and services stations for Bosch products, can visit on the Bosch Belgium's official website.

Bosch Antwerpen Address

The address of Bosch Antwerpen is Long Lozannastraat 101, 2018 Antwerp, Belgium.

Bosch Antwerpen Email Address

The email address of Bosch Antwerpen is

Bosch Antwerpen Website

The Website of Bosch Antwerpen is

Bosch Antwerpen Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Bosch Antwerpen is +32-3-237.85.02 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Bosch Antwerpen Service Center and Bosch Antwerpen customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Bosch Antwerpen customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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