Krups Thailand Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Krups Thailand is +66 2718 0211 to 3, Fax No: +66 2716 0214 .
Krups is a manufacturing company of kitchen appliances, and in its this activity, the company makes several products such as Beertender, Bread Makers, Blenders, Coffee Grinders, Coffee Machines, Egg cookers, Electric Knives, Icecream makers, Kettles, Food processors, Juicers, Toaster ovens, Toasters and a lots more kitchen related machines. The brand name is in this activity since 1846, and it was introduced by the ideas of Robert Krups and his uncle, Josua Kortz. The family-owned business has a big and brief story. Krups was introduced its first electric coffee grinder in 1956, and within a year, the company sold more than 1 million grinders. In the next decade, in 1961, the company began the manufacturing of the ONKO coffee makers, and now this time, it is known as the T8 coffee makers. After that, Krups has introduced dozens types of appliances for worldwide people. Its all appliances are designed with easy to use and unique features. Krups has a huge name in all major countries, and its all business is in the monitoring of a main office.

Krups Thailand Address

The address of Krups Thailand is Super Appliance Co., Ltd, 2083, New Petchburi Road, Huaykwang, Bangkok 10320, Thailand.

Krups Thailand Website

The Website of Krups Thailand is

Krups Thailand Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Krups Thailand is +66 2718 0211 to 3, Fax No: +66 2716 0214 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Krups Thailand Service Center and Krups Thailand customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Krups Thailand customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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