Dean of Windsor Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Dean of Windsor is +44-1753-848888 .
The Dean of the Windsor is the spiritual leader of the Canons of the St George’s Chapel of Windsor. Church of England is also known as Anglican Church and is the most pre-dominant Christian community in England. An Ecclesiastical body was formed for smooth functioning of the church. Each Cathedral formed under the community will be head by the senior Anglican clergy called a Dean. The anointed clergies who are appointed as the Deans and the Canons will be managing the Daily activities of the church community under their region or diocese.
The Dean of the Windsor will head the monthly chapters conducted in their collegiate church, St George’s Chapel of Windsor. The Dean and the Canon takes out decisions and share the responsibilities of the church .The job responsibilities for each are allocated in the chapters or the board meetings held. The Dean of St George’s Chapel of Windsor will look into the diocesan and also the Civic duties of the area.
Rt. Rev. David Conner is the Dean of the Windsor from 1998 to the present day.The Royal family of England has a great bond and strong connection with St George’s chapel. The Dean of Windsor will performs the spiritual and ceremonial rites of the Royal family.Also,they attend the important functions for the royal family.
The Dean along with the Canons lead the community at St George’s Chapel to worship God and serve the community with good Christian values.

Dean of Windsor Address

The address of Dean of Windsor is Windsor Castle Windsor, West Berkshire SL4 1NJ, United Kingdom.

Dean of Windsor Website

The Website of Dean of Windsor is

Dean of Windsor Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Dean of Windsor is +44-1753-848888 (Click phone number to call).

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