Chief Electoral Officer Uttar Pradesh Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Chief Electoral Officer Uttar Pradesh is 1800-180-1950, 0522-2611226, 0522-2611227 .
Chief Electoral Officer in Utter Pradesh like other states is appointed by The Election Commission of India. The Chief Officer (CEO) look over the election related operations. He supervises both Assembly as well as Parliament elections in the State. Chief Electoral Officer operates under the full control of Election Commission. Some of his responsibilities in the state include Greater public information, transparency, empowerment of the citizens and many others. The officer makes the Effort to Upgrade Electoral Rolls. For this Electronic management of Data provide support him to keep in touch with electors. Chief Electoral Officer had plotted the polling stations on the digital map of the state. Ceo tries to provide information, electoral data and identity cards making procedure online.

Fax No: 0522-2614193, 0522-2230073, 0522-2610262

Chief Electoral Officer Uttar Pradesh Address

The address of Chief Electoral Officer Uttar Pradesh is Chief Electoral Officer and Principal Secretary Election Department, IV Floor, Vikas Bhawan, Hazratganj, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 226001 India.

Chief Electoral Officer Uttar Pradesh Website

The Website of Chief Electoral Officer Uttar Pradesh is

Chief Electoral Officer Uttar Pradesh Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Chief Electoral Officer Uttar Pradesh is 1800-180-1950, 0522-2611226, 0522-2611227 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Chief Electoral Officer Uttar Pradesh Service Center and Chief Electoral Officer Uttar Pradesh customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Chief Electoral Officer Uttar Pradesh customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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