Ignou Cochin Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Ignou Cochin is 91-484-2348189 .
IGNOU Cochin is a educational center situated in Ernakulam District, Kerala, South India, India. It was established on 17th November, 1988. Ignou is a originally named as Indira Gandhi National Open University which was established by an Act of Parliament in the year of 1985. IGNOU is the largest university in the world. It provides education more than 3.5 million students in India. This University is affiliated by UGC, AICTE, COL, DEC, AIU, UNESCO. Ignou Regional Centre Cochin offers Diploma courses and postgraduate courses include MBA, MCA, MTM, B.Ed, M.Ed, BCA, Post Graduate Diploma in Hospital Health Management, Geriatric Medicine, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Library and Information Science, Bachelor and diploma programmes in Nursing etc. The address and contact number of Ignou Cochin is also used for Ignou Cochin distance education courses, Ignou Cochin kaloor, Ignou Cochin regional centre code, Ignou Cochin Facebook, Ignou Cochin exam centre code, Ignou Cochin MBA and Ignou Cochin convocation.

Ignou Cochin Address

The address of Ignou Cochin is Kaloor, Ernakulam District, Kerala, South India-682017, India.

Ignou Cochin Email Address

The email address of Ignou Cochin is rccochin@ignou.ac.in.

Ignou Cochin Website

The Website of Ignou Cochin is rccochin.ignou.ac.in.

Ignou Cochin Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Ignou Cochin is 91-484-2348189 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Ignou Cochin Service Center and Ignou Cochin customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Ignou Cochin customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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Ignou Cochin Customer Phone Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care male
Mr. Jishnu CallsJun 21, 2021

Mr. Jishnu On Phone To Ignou Cochin Service
The coustmer support and helpline phone numbers of IGNOU Regional centre kochi is only for show they cannot accept or recive our calls and there is no response from their side they don pick up our calls somany time we called the helpline number the do not give any responce. Somany time we try this these following phone numbers 04842348189 and 04842340203 Please give any responce.

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