Kingston Fossil Plant Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Kingston Fossil Plant is (865) 882-7711 .
Kingston Fossil Plant, generally well-known as Kingston Steam Plant, is a Tennessee Valley Authority 1.7-GW coal burning energy plant situated outside Kingston on the coast of Watts Bar Lake. Started in 1951, The plant was the biggest coal fired energy plant in the Globe when finished in 1955. The Power plant was developed mainly to offer power to nuclear power set Ups at close to Oak Ridge. It is a well-known location for Bird viewers, as many water fowl arrive to the settling and remedy ponds close by. It has 9 power producing units, units 1 to 4 produce 175 MW each released into support in 1954 and units 5 to 9 produced 200 MW each released in 1955. The power plant generates around ten billion kwh of power from some five million tons of coal every year. The address and contact number of Kingston Fossil Plant is also used for Kingston coal ash spill, Kingston fossil plant address, Kingston coal ash spill, Kingston fossil plant remediation and coal ash disaster.

Kingston Fossil Plant Address

The address of Kingston Fossil Plant is 2735 Roane State Highway, Harriman, Tennessee 37748, United States.

Kingston Fossil Plant Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Kingston Fossil Plant is (865) 882-7711 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Kingston Fossil Plant Service Center and Kingston Fossil Plant customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Kingston Fossil Plant customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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