Infineon Kulim Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Infineon Kulim is +60 4 427 8000 .
Infineon provides the wafer fabrication service in Kedah. It is the first fabrication of this type in Asia and has staff of more than 1,500 employees. The Kulim plant has added new 12,000 sq meter fabrication facility to it, which increase the production capacity to double. Infineon has positioned newly added facility to manufacturing competence centre, which is focused on megatrend technologies for Automotive companies. The company has invested 4 billion for expanding it to Kulim 2. This advanced facility offers the more complex and outstanding manufacturing solutions to its main industries and other companies in the market. This increases the employment for more thousand people and become leading company in the work force. The address and contact number of Infineon Kulim is also used for Infineon Job Vacancies, Infineon Kulim Internship, Kilang Infineon Kulim, Infineon Kulim Fab and Infineon Kulim Benefit.

Fax No: +60 4 427 8889

Infineon Kulim Address

The address of Infineon Kulim is Lot 10 and 11, Jalan Hi-Tech 7, Industrial Zone Phase II, Kulim Hi-Tech Park, 09000 Kulim, Kedah, Malaysia.

Infineon Kulim Website

The Website of Infineon Kulim is

Infineon Kulim Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Infineon Kulim is +60 4 427 8000 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Infineon Kulim Service Center and Infineon Kulim customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Infineon Kulim customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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