Infineon Technologies Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Infineon Technologies is +49 800 951951951 , 0800 95195195 .
Started in April 1999, Infineon Technologies AG is Germany based semiconductor Producer Company. The company was started after the closure of Siemens AG. Its products are used in security applications, Electronics Companies and other multimarket. Infineon Technologies company has the operations across the world and has supporting companies in California, Tokyo, Singapore and major cities in Asia. The company offers the many facilities in Europe, through several locations and has established fabrication units in Malaysia, China and other Asian countries. Its service center is located in Maia, Portugal. It is the 2nd biggest chip provider company in Automotive industry. Infineon has the good understanding of automotive Market and its requirements, that’s way it is so successful in automotive electronics. The company has more than forty years experience in this field. It provides various services to automotive applications like car’s powertrain, body and convenience, safety management and infotainment. The address and contact number of Infineon Technologies is also used for Infineon Technologies Careers, Infineon Technologies Salaries , Infineon Technologies Headquarters, Infineon Technologies R and D Centre and Infineon Technologies Glassdoor.

Infineon Technologies Address

The address of Infineon Technologies is Am Campeon 1-12, 85579 Neubiberg, Bavaria, Germany.

Infineon Technologies Website

The Website of Infineon Technologies is

Infineon Technologies Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Infineon Technologies is +49 800 951951951 , 0800 95195195 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Infineon Technologies Service Center and Infineon Technologies customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Infineon Technologies customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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