Institute of Management Singapore Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Institute of Management Singapore is +65 6468 8866 .
Singapore today has turned pioneer in the field of educational industry. The Institute of Management Singapore, lies at the Heart of the education industry. Founded by the Singapore Economic Development Board in 1964, the institute of management provides with various under-graduate, graduate and executive academic courses. It offers these services under three different brands: SIM Global Education, SIM University and SIM professional development. The institute of Management Singapore offers a variety of courses to its students, exploring new dimensions of learning. Their courses are designed with the basic fundamental learning coupled with industrial-acumen so that students comprehend the recent traits and trends of outer world.The institute also receives an active participation from students for many sporting and creative events carried round the calendar. The institute also conducts executive programs and conferences for various companies in Singapore. The primary motive of this program is providing human resource solutions to adhere to the current business trends and mold in the right direction. The institute of Management Singapore offers various scholarship programs based on educational excellence and overall growth of students, motivating them to further perform better. The campus life at SIM is a much talked after saga. The campus boasts excellent facilities for food, stay, well equipped classrooms and auditoriums. Its libraries provide a serene and peaceful atmosphere for learning with the most updated books and journals. In addition there are also facilities of gymnasium, multi-purpose courts for various sports. Thriving for excellence SIM has received great appreciation from the global arena for its continuous progress in education. Their consistent growth has grabbed the attention of many students who are anxious to be a part of the SIM family.

Institute of Management Singapore Address

The address of Institute of Management Singapore is 461, Clementi Road, Singapore 599491.

Institute of Management Singapore Email Address

The email address of Institute of Management Singapore is

Institute of Management Singapore Website

The Website of Institute of Management Singapore is

Institute of Management Singapore Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Institute of Management Singapore is +65 6468 8866 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Institute of Management Singapore Service Center and Institute of Management Singapore customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Institute of Management Singapore customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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