Manipal Institute of Communication Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Manipal Institute of Communication is 91 820 2923402 .
The Manipal Institute of Communication (MIC) is a world's premier media school situated in Eshwar Nagar, Manipal, Karnataka, India. It commenced its activities in the year 1997 with presence in 20 institutions around the world. Dr Ramdas M Pai is the president of the Manipal Institute of Communication. It is also called as School Of Communication. The institute provides undergraduate, postgraduate and doctorate programs regarding media, Architecture and design, dentistry, engineering, information sciences, management, communication and journalism. It is affiliated to Manipal University which is a deemed university in Manipal, Karnataka, India. The Manipal Institute of Communication has numerous facilities for the students such as library, sound and video lab, modern software etc. MIC was awarded with IMC Ramkrishna Bajaj National Quality Award and International Asia Pacific Quality Award. The address and contact number of Manipal Institute of Communication is also used for Manipal Institute of Communication ranking, Manipal institute of Technology, Manipal Institute of Communication fees, Manipal Institute of Communication main campus, Manipal Institute of Communication entrance exam and Manipal Institute of Communication Bangalore.
Fax Number: 91 820 2571059.

Manipal Institute of Communication Address

The address of Manipal Institute of Communication is Eshwar Nagar, Manipal -576104, Karnataka, India.

Manipal Institute of Communication Email Address

The email address of Manipal Institute of Communication is

Manipal Institute of Communication Website

The Website of Manipal Institute of Communication is

Manipal Institute of Communication Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Manipal Institute of Communication is 91 820 2923402 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Manipal Institute of Communication Service Center and Manipal Institute of Communication customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Manipal Institute of Communication customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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