Khaitan Fan Chennai Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Khaitan Fan Chennai is +91-44-24355888, 1800 3070 8120, 1800 123 8120 .
Khaitan Electricals Limited is a designer and manufacturing company of fans in Indian consumer markets. It is a leading company in air management technology. The company commenced its business operations in the year 1975. Khaitan Electricals Limited has its operational headquarters in Kolkata India.

The company is engaged in the manufacturing of wide variety of fans such as wall mounted fans, exhaust fans, table fans, ceiling fans, stand fans, Pedestal Fan, multi utility fans etc. In addition, Khaitan Electricals Limited also offers Lighting, Juicer Mixer Grinder, Blender, Mixer, snackers, pop-up toasters, Kettle, Sandwich Maker, electric irons, immersion heaters, Coolers, Pumps, CFL and much more.

The company provides its products and services through a strong network of distributors, dealers, outlets and service centers situated in different states, cities and towns through the country. Further it also serving the customers of middle east countries including Nigeria, Ghana, Yeman, Uganda, Tanzania, Egypt, Kenya, Maldives, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Italy, Iraq, Nepal, Bangladesh, Singapore, Sudan, Jordan and others. The Corresponding services of Khaitan Fan Chennai service center are Khaitan Fans price list in Chennai, Khaitan Fans dealer in Chennai and Khaitan Fans authorized service center in Chennai.

Khaitan Fan Chennai Address

The address of Khaitan Fan Chennai is 20/18, Sir Thiagaraya Road, T Nagar, Chennai - 600017, Tamil Nadu, India..

Khaitan Fan Chennai Email Address

The email address of Khaitan Fan Chennai is

Khaitan Fan Chennai Website

The Website of Khaitan Fan Chennai is

Khaitan Fan Chennai Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Khaitan Fan Chennai is +91-44-24355888, 1800 3070 8120, 1800 123 8120 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Khaitan Fan Chennai Service Center and Khaitan Fan Chennai customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Khaitan Fan Chennai customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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