Folsom Lake Toyota Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Folsom Lake Toyota is +1-(916) 850-8499, +1-(916) 355-1500 .
Folsom Lake Toyota is a famous dealership of Toyota which is located in Folsom, California and provides services in areas like Sacramento, Roseville, Davis and nearest areas beside Folsom. Besides dealership of Toyota, Folsom Lake Toyota is also known as part center and service center of Toyota in California.

Folsom Lake Toyota deals in many models of Toyota SUVs, Minivans, Cars, Trucks, Crossovers, Hybrids and EVs. Folsom Lake Toyota mainly sells models like Toyota 4Runner, Toyota Avalon, Toyota Camry, Toyota Corolla, Toyota FJ Cruiser, Toyota Highlander, Toyota Land Cruiser, Toyota Matrix, Toyota Prius, Toyota Prius C, Toyota Sequoia, Toyota Sienna, Toyota Tacoma etc. The showroom of Folsom Lake Toyota in California is located at 12747, Folsom Boulevard, Folsom.

Folsom Lake Toyota is specialized in almost in all models of SUVs, trucks, cars and automotive parts. Its automobile services include Undercar repair Services, Heating and Cooling system repairs, , Electrical Services, Electronic Services, Miscellaneous Services, Maintenance Services, Engine Repair Services, Transmission Services etc. Working Hours of Folsom Lake Toyota Service Center: Monday to Friday from 07:00 am to 07:00 pm, Saturday from 07:00am to 06:00 pm and Sunday Closed. The Corresponding services of Folsom Lake Toyota service center are Folsom Lake Toyota service coupons, Folsom Toyota inventory, Folsom Lake Toyota parts, Folsom Lake Toyota collision center, Folsom Lake Toyota parts department, Folsom Lake Toyota reviews and Folsom Lake Toyota rental.

Folsom Lake Toyota Address

The address of Folsom Lake Toyota is 200, Plaza Dr, Folsom, California 95630, United States.

Folsom Lake Toyota Website

The Website of Folsom Lake Toyota is

Folsom Lake Toyota Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Folsom Lake Toyota is +1-(916) 850-8499, +1-(916) 355-1500 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Folsom Lake Toyota Service Center and Folsom Lake Toyota customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Folsom Lake Toyota customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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We advise you to express your problem or complaint against Folsom Lake Toyota. your phone number should be mentioned in your comment, so that Folsom Lake Toyota will communicate to you on your phone number mentioned in your comment.
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