Lansing Delta Township Assembly Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Lansing Delta Township Assembly is (517) 721-3900 .
At first the name sounds much unknown, but coming to the fact Lansing Delta Township Assembly is an assembly Factory of one of the largest automobile giant of US-General motors. This township is situated in the state Michigan that spreads over a large area of 3, 400,000 square feet. According to the statistical data this automobile juggernaut employ’s a workforce of 262 salaried workers as on 2010. Lansing Delta Township Assembly is the major hub for the automobile production from GM. It has the state-of-the-art facilities with well equipped machineries that satisfy the production requirement of the company. The production at the Lansing Delta Township Assembly includes three major automobile: Gmc Acadia, Buick Enclave and Chevrolet Traverse. Recent analysis shows that Chevrolet Traverse is the most in-demand automobile today and is selling like hot cakes in the industry. Traverse has boosted up the sale of GM by almost 15%. This Lansing Delta Township Assembly is tagged with “Green Factory” for its environment friendly production facilities. These practices have brought a magnificent change with a reduction of 45% use of water in non-manufacturing use that summates to 4,000,000 gallons of water a year. Its high-end production techniques have also reduced the power consumption by 20%. Moreover the factory has a 75 acre of wildlife area that is looked by Wildlife Habitat teams, which also hosts awareness programs for wildlife education. For such a unique production facilities this automobile plants has achieved many rewards for its contribution to the automobile world. Lansing Delta Township Assembly is the first automobile factory to get a LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) gold-certification. Adding up to the heat, recently Director Michael Bay has confirmed the news that a sequence of “Transformer 4” is going to be shot at Lansing Delta Township Assembly.

Lansing Delta Township Assembly Address

The address of Lansing Delta Township Assembly is 8175, Millett Highway, Lansing, Michigan. 48921 United States.

Lansing Delta Township Assembly Website

The Website of Lansing Delta Township Assembly is

Lansing Delta Township Assembly Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Lansing Delta Township Assembly is (517) 721-3900 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Lansing Delta Township Assembly Service Center and Lansing Delta Township Assembly customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Lansing Delta Township Assembly customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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