Phone Number of
L and T Infotech Mumbai is
022 6776 6776 .
L and T Infotech is an Indian leading IT firm which is located it’s headquarter in Mumbai, Maharashtra. The company was first started out in 1997 and it is a subsidiary of Larsen and Turbo which is also an Indian conglomerate. The company started out its operations in information and technology field, engineering field, construction, financial service and manufacturing goods etc. It started its operation from construction work back in 1938 and adopted various other sections in order to increase its business. The company is very efficient and provides service in IT field such as consulting and solutions etc. The company deals in almost every part of India and tries to satisfy increasing demands of Indian customers and other foreign countries like South
Asian and Middle East etc. The address and contact number of L and T Infotech
Mumbai is also used for
L and T Infotech Mumbai head office,
jobs in L and T Infotech Mumbai,
L T Infotech careers and
L and T Infotech placement papers.
L and T Infotech Mumbai Address
The address of L and T Infotech Mumbai is L&T Technology Center, Gate No.5, Saki Vihar Road, Powai, Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400072, India.
L and T Infotech Mumbai Website
The Website of L and T Infotech Mumbai is
L and T Infotech Mumbai Customer Support Service Phone Number
The customer support phone number of L and T Infotech Mumbai is
022 6776 6776 (Click phone number to call).
The postal and
official address, email address and
phone number (
helpline) of
L and T Infotech Mumbai Service Center and
L and T Infotech Mumbai customer phone number is given below. The
helpline of L and T Infotech Mumbai customer phone number may or may not be
toll free.
Click Here To View L and T Infotech Mumbai Customer Service Phone Numbers