Lexus Riyadh Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Lexus Riyadh is +966 (1) 264-8030, +966 (1) 456-6600 .
Abdul Latif Jameel or ALZ, is one of the largest distributor four wheeler vehicles in Saudi Arabia. The company was founded in 1945, and then in around 1955, the company was became the distributor of Toyota vehicles. In 1969, ALJ had added real estate activity in its business, and after that, in the decade of 1970, it had added two new business activities, consumer finance and general trading activity in their business. The company has completed approximately 50 years as the partnership with Toyota. Beside Toyota, the company also engaged in the providing of sale and services for Lexus and Daihatsu vehicles. To know more info about ALZ, log on to the official website: Lexus is a brand of automotive products that was founded in 1989 by Eiji Toyoda, and it is operated by Toyota Motor Corporation.

Lexus Riyadh Address

The address of Lexus Riyadh is P.O.Box- 55630, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Lexus Riyadh Email Address

The email address of Lexus Riyadh is

Lexus Riyadh Website

The Website of Lexus Riyadh is

Lexus Riyadh Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Lexus Riyadh is +966 (1) 264-8030, +966 (1) 456-6600 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Lexus Riyadh Service Center and Lexus Riyadh customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Lexus Riyadh customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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