Newmarket High School Contact, Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Newmarket High School Contact, is (905) 895-5159 .
Newmarket High School
The Newmarket High School is located at 505 Pickering Crescent, off Mulock Drive in Newmarket, Ontario; Canada. The school is from Grades 9 to 12 and educates approximately 1214 students. The colour of the school is Purple and Gold and the symbols of the school are Phoenix and Viking. School's Motto is Labor Omnia Vincit (Hard Work Conquers All). The song of the School is “On Newmarket! On Newmarket, We will fight with all our might, And never, never fail, no never, Always loyal to the Royal colours, Old and true.” The mission of the school is “we unite in our purpose to inspire and prepare learners for Life in our changing world community.”
Newmarket High School founded as “Grammar School” in 1843. Newmarket High School is original School which could accommodate 46 students and it was built at a cost of $75. In 1870 Newmarket School decided to educate the youth of the town, so in 1876 at the corner of Pearson and Prospect Streets in Newmarket a new building was built at a cost of $6000. On March 16, 1893 the school was burn due to wood-burning furnace. In 1894 they started built a new building on the same site, this building of school completed on March 31, 1928. But then another fire reduces the school to the ashes. The same year a new building of school was built on the Pearson Street site. This building was one of the most modernized institutions in the Dominion of the Canada. The built a new Gymnasium in 1950 and a new Library in 1960. Now the School is the Ontario Secondary School. The Newmarket School is the second oldest school in the Ontario. Newmarket school is one of the four high schools in Newmarket which are under jurisdiction of the York Region District School Board.
The fire in the building in 1928 led to the adoption of the orange Phoenix Bird as the official symbol of the school
Currently school starts many sports in the school. Newmarket High School sports are Canadian football, Girls Flag Football, Varsity Field Hockey, Boys & Girls Volleyball, Track and Field, Curling, Swimming, Badminton, Ultimate, Coed Cheerleading, Boys & Girls Basketball, Golf and Hockey. Newmarket School also have an athletic program. Newmarket High School boasts finest arts and music programs in York Region and it also have an active and prominent student council. The School also started a social justice YYDSB to raise awareness of AIDS in Africa in 2004. Newmarket High School organizes the Art and Music shows with their instrumental and Jazz Bands. The School band received Gold level rating at the annual Canada’s Wonderland spring Music Alive Festival in 2003 and 2004, and a Silver rating in 2005.

Newmarket High School Contact, Address

The address of Newmarket High School Contact, is 505, Pickering Crescent, Newmarket, ON CAN L3Y 8H1.

Newmarket High School Contact, Website

The Website of Newmarket High School Contact, is

Newmarket High School Contact, Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Newmarket High School Contact, is (905) 895-5159 (Click phone number to call).

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