Uri Kingston Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Uri Kingston is +1 401-874-1000 .
Uri stands for University of Rhode Island which is an educational and public institute located in Kingston. The university offers wide of courses in the field of engineering, arts, business, management, nursing, pharmacy and human science etc. The university is one of the oldest surviving institutes in the United States. The name of college was changed frequently over the last many years. The university offers opportunity of education to almost thousands of students every year in both under and post graduate degree courses. Beside study the university students also take part in sports and have 17 different teams which participate in all major sporting events. The address and contact number of Uri Kingston is also used for Uri Kingston Bookstore, Uri Kingston Emporium, Uri Kingston Parking, Uri Kingston Library, Uri Kingston Pizza and Uri Kingston Final Exam Schedule.

The fax number of college is (401) 874-5491.

Uri Kingston Address

The address of Uri Kingston is 45 Upper College Road, Kingston, Rhode Island 02881, United States.

Uri Kingston Email Address

The email address of Uri Kingston is urigrad@etal.uri.edu.

Uri Kingston Website

The Website of Uri Kingston is www.uri.edu.

Uri Kingston Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Uri Kingston is +1 401-874-1000 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Uri Kingston Service Center and Uri Kingston customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Uri Kingston customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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