Nokia Edmonton Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Nokia Edmonton is (780) 757-5494 .
The Nokia Corporation has a largest and most popular name in all over the world, and the company has gained this reputation by using the unique and high tech technologies for its large collection of mobile phone models. Besides mobile phones, the company is also known for the collection of some other Electronic products including Laptop as well as some other computers and mobile phones related accessories including internet sticks, musical instruments, memory cars and data cables. Along with Nokia, many other mobile phone brands also work in the world, but among of them, Nokia is a leader player in this race, and the company is spread in all over the world with its slogan of Nokia-Connecting People. Fixmyphone is a service center of mobile phone which is specialized in the repairing of any kind of problem of any phone within maximum 30 minutes, and the office is located in Edmonton AB, Canada. Besides this, it has also one other branch in Edmonton located at 13911, 127 St. North, Edmonton AB, Canada. The Corresponding services of Nokia Edmonton service center are Nokia service center contact number and Nokia authorized service center. To know any information about this center, call on: (587)523-0474. For more information about this company such as timings, repair prices and such other information, can log on its official website:

Nokia Edmonton Address

The address of Nokia Edmonton is 9729, 118 Avenue, Central, Edmonton AB, Canada.

Nokia Edmonton Email Address

The email address of Nokia Edmonton is

Nokia Edmonton Website

The Website of Nokia Edmonton is

Nokia Edmonton Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Nokia Edmonton is (780) 757-5494 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Nokia Edmonton Service Center and Nokia Edmonton customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Nokia Edmonton customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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