Samsung Mumbai Bandra Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Samsung Mumbai Bandra is 022-30308282 .
The Samsung Group is a South Korea based outstanding conglomerate company located along with its main office in Samsung Town, Seoul, South Korea, and the company was raised its first step in 1938 by the Idea and efforts of Lee Byung-Chull. Now, the group has a largest name in the world's electronics industry. On the time of opening, the company name was Samsung Sang hoe, and that time, it begun its business as a trading company with forty employees. Now, the company has a largest network with its flagship companies including Samsung Electronics, Samsung Engineering, Samsung Heavy industries, Samsung Life Insurance, Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance and some other. In the decade of 1960, its Samsung Electronics subsidiary was entered in the electronics sector, and began the production of electronics related segments including IT, telecommunications, Computer related, homes appliances and such other segments, and the subsidiary belongs to Suwon, South Korea. Till this time, the company has produced approximately 800 handset models, and these all models are comes under the grouped of the Samsung Electronics Corporation Limited. To the providing of repairs and services for all consumers, it has opened its own stores and service centers across the serving area. In Mumbai, it has many service centers, and one of them in Bandra West, Technotronics Technologies is works to provide services for Bandra and nearby areas consumers.

Samsung Mumbai Bandra Address

The address of Samsung Mumbai Bandra is No. 7, Gopal Mnasion, Next to Bandra Lake, Opposite Water Price Cooper Building, Station Road, Bandra West, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India..

Samsung Mumbai Bandra Email Address

The email address of Samsung Mumbai Bandra is

Samsung Mumbai Bandra Website

The Website of Samsung Mumbai Bandra is

Samsung Mumbai Bandra Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Samsung Mumbai Bandra is 022-30308282 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Samsung Mumbai Bandra Service Center and Samsung Mumbai Bandra customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Samsung Mumbai Bandra customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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