North Bay Airport Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of North Bay Airport is 705-474-3020 .
North Bay Airport is also famous as the Jack Garland Airport and serves in the Ontario province of Canada. It is named after the Member of Parliament, Jack Garland. The airport is used as North American Aerospace Defense Command base. North Bay Airport hosted the air show of North Bay's Heritage Festival each year till 2004. Many aviation programs of Canadore College are carried out at the airport. Bombardier 415 aircraft was also assembled here. North Bay Airport was operated by the city from 1998 to 2003, after then it is operated by North Bay Jack Garland Airport Corporation. The airport has two terminals, first was built in 1938 and the second was in 1963. North Bay Airport features the various facilities such as Six airline check-in counters, Rental car kiosk, First aid station, Cafeteria, Taxi stand, Disabled access/facilities and many others. The address and contact number of North Bay Airport is also used for North Bay Airport Departures, North Bay Airport Arrivals , North Bay Airport Jobs and North Bay Airport Parking.

Fax No: 705-472-9867

North Bay Airport Address

The address of North Bay Airport is North Bay Airport, 50 Terminal Street, Suite 1, North Bay, Ontario, Canada P1B 8G2.

North Bay Airport Email Address

The email address of North Bay Airport is

North Bay Airport Website

The Website of North Bay Airport is

North Bay Airport Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of North Bay Airport is 705-474-3020 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of North Bay Airport Service Center and North Bay Airport customer phone number is given below. The helpline of North Bay Airport customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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