Odell Park Fredericton Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Odell Park Fredericton is 1 506 460-2230 .
Odell Park is among the most beautiful Parks of its type in Canada. The park has occupied 400 acre of space and consists of duck pond, deer pen, arboretum, multi-purpose visitors centre and botanical garden. Odell Park's atmosphere plays an important role in Fredericton's reputation of being the "last surviving hometown of America". At the park's location, there were fields of Reverend Jonathan Odell. Now it is the place to play and talk with the nature for throughout the year. Odell's large Rookwood property is located near the main entrance of the park. The park has Queen Mother, a visitors centre, which was started in 1967.

Odell Park Fredericton Address

The address of Odell Park Fredericton is Fredericton, New Brunswick E3B 2M6 Canada.

Odell Park Fredericton Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Odell Park Fredericton is 1 506 460-2230 (Click phone number to call).

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