Redington Hp Abu Dhabi Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Redington Hp Abu Dhabi is +97124912711 .
Redington Gulf Corporation had started its business in 1997 and mainly provides the services of IT and non-IT products. The Core values of the corporation mainly depend upon the five factors that is Pursuit of Excellence, Integrity, Teamwork, Partnership and Ownership. The Corporation mainly provides the services of Telecom, sound distribution channels, computing devices etc.

Redington Gulf Corporation also receives many awards such as HP Wholesaler of the Year in 2002, Choice of Channel in 2008, Volume Retail Distributor Award - MERA and VAR - Choice of Channel Award - Champion Distributor in 2011 etc. The Company initiates its business as ‘trader’ for HP Supplies in Jebel Ali, Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Hewlett-Packard is an American Multinational Corporation that was founded by two electrical engineers that is Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard.

The Corporation mainly develops the services of Computer hardware, Computer software, IT services and IT consulting and serves its services around the world. Hewlett-Packard Organization was established on January 1, 1939 with its headquarters situated at Palo Alto, California, United States. The Corporation had total revenue of US$ 112.298 billion in 2013. The Corporation mainly provides the services and products of Printers, Calculators, Digital Cameras, Tablet Computers, Mobile phones, Scanners, Business Notebooks etc. Financing, Hardware, Services and Software's are the main divisions of the Hewlett-Packard Organization. The Corporation has expanded its software products according to the customers demand and provides best quality services to the citizens of the state.

Redington Hp Abu Dhabi Address

The address of Redington Hp Abu Dhabi is Building Number 15, Near Eldorado Cinema, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

Redington Hp Abu Dhabi Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Redington Hp Abu Dhabi is +97124912711 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Redington Hp Abu Dhabi Service Center and Redington Hp Abu Dhabi customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Redington Hp Abu Dhabi customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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