Samsung Abreeza Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Samsung Abreeza is 082-321 9332 .
Banana Telecommunications Inc is an independent company which performs as one of the Samsung service providers situated in Davao City. The Samsung Service center is engaged in providing maintenance and repair services with complete solutions to all type of Samsung Mobile phones and others. Besides this, Banana Telecommunications Inc sells complete range of Samsung smart-phones and tablets etc.

The Korean based group with the name of Samsung is counted among top conglomerates in the domestic and international markets. The Samsung Group is a engaged in various kind of businesses which includes Consumer electronics, telecoms equipments, medical equipments and much more. Moreover, the company provides various world-class services related to its businesses like IT and communication services, retailing, entertainment and others. As of 2013, the company has approximately four lakh twenty seven thousand employees.

The Samsung Group came into existence in the year 1938 though the efforts of the founder Lee Byung-chul. The company was established its various wholly owned companies which works in different business segments of this group. The Group operates its wholly owned companies with the different names which includes an electronics company Samsung Electronics, a leading shipbuilder Samsung Heavy Industries, a worldwide Insurance company Samsung Life Insurance and more. The company performs all operations through the international headquarters that is situated in Seoul, South Korea.

Samsung Abreeza Address

The address of Samsung Abreeza is 3/F Abreeza Ayala Mall, JP Laurel Street, Davao City, Philippines.

Samsung Abreeza Website

The Website of Samsung Abreeza is

Samsung Abreeza Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Samsung Abreeza is 082-321 9332 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Samsung Abreeza Service Center and Samsung Abreeza customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Samsung Abreeza customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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