Worcester College of Technology Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Worcester College of Technology is +44 1905 725555 .
Worcester College of Technology is a famous collage located in Worcester, a City of the United Kingdom. The collage has also one other Construction Centre which is situated nearby the Town of Malvern, Worcestershire, England. The College was established in Pierpoint Street in the first year of 1850s. In the year 1894, a new school of Science and Art had been erected as a division of the Victoria Institute in Sansome Walk, and it worked for this collage as a controlled office until 1962. In 1991, the collage name had been changed into current name. The address and contact number of Worcester College of Technology is also used for Worcester College of Technology Apprenticeships, Worcester College of Technology Malvern, Worcester College of Technology Evening Courses, Worcester College of Technology Art and Design, Worcester College of Technology Electrical and Worcester College of Technology Barbourne. Hours: Monday to Friday 09:00 am to 05:00 pm, closed on Saturday and Sunday. For any kind of collage related other information, call on 01905 743 456 or log on to the official website.

Worcester College of Technology Address

The address of Worcester College of Technology is Deansway, Worcester, WR1 2JF, United Kingdom.

Worcester College of Technology Website

The Website of Worcester College of Technology is www.wortech.ac.uk.

Worcester College of Technology Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Worcester College of Technology is +44 1905 725555 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Worcester College of Technology Service Center and Worcester College of Technology customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Worcester College of Technology customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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