York St John University Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of York St John University is +44 1904 624624 .
The York St John University is the public coeducational institution which is providing undergraduate and postgraduate courses in numerous field such as business studies, music, fine art, dance, arts, tourism, design, medical and more. The university offers large number of facilities to the students including - a dance & drama studio, design studio, music rooms, Sports park and theater. The York St John University is the part of Association of Commonwealth Universities. It has more than 4,655 undergraduate and 869 postgraduate students. Main campus of the university is located in York, North Yorkshire, England. The campus covers an area of 11 acre land. The university has a Students' Union also. The address and contact number of York St John University is also used for York St John University Ranking, York St John University Accommodation, York St John University Courses, York St John University Review, York St John University Moodle and York St John University Pantip .

York St John University Address

The address of York St John University is Lord Mayor's Walk York, North Yorkshire YO31 7EX, United Kingdom.

York St John University Email Address

The email address of York St John University is alumni@yorksj.ac.uk.

York St John University Website

The Website of York St John University is www.yorksj.ac.uk.

York St John University Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of York St John University is +44 1904 624624 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of York St John University Service Center and York St John University customer phone number is given below. The helpline of York St John University customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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