amc cookware Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of amc cookware is + 41 41- 7995 222 .
AMC (Alfa Metalcraft Corporation) is a household supplier of stainless steel cooking systems. It was founded in the 1960's and introduced the method of cooking without additional water and frying and roasting without additional fat. The various products of AMC include The sieve unit (for steaming, draining and rinsing), The combi bowls (for preparing, keeping warm or as domed lids), The grater-shredder-slicer insert (for grating, chopping, slicing and shredding), The long-handled pans etc. AMC also offers the services of Life-long advice, nutrition education, information and recipes. The AMC-Institute founded in 1978 is involved in performing research over Nutrition science, Recipes, Technology and Design. AMC offers 30-year guarantee on the functionality of the cookware. AMC has more than 12 million customers and more than 18,000 sales consultants in more than 40 countries globally.

amc cookware Address

The address of amc cookware is CH-6343 Rotkreuz Buonaserstrasse 30 Switzerland.

amc cookware Email Address

The email address of amc cookware is

amc cookware Website

The Website of amc cookware is

amc cookware Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of amc cookware is + 41 41- 7995 222 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of amc cookware Service Center and amc cookware customer phone number is given below. The helpline of amc cookware customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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