jrd resort amboli Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of jrd resort amboli is 02363 240 222 .
Hotel JRD International mountain resort is based in the Sindhudurga District of Maharashtra. The hotel is set like a Royal Guest House and is situated at a height of 690 M above sea level. Hotel JRD provides accommodation in cottages & rooms and has been operational for more than 2 decades. The hotel features a spacious restaurant & bar offering specialty Konkani cuisine & Maharashtrian cuisine. The other facilities available at Hotel JRD include Business Centre with Internet Access, Fitness Centre with Gym / Workout Room, Children Activities, Swimming Pool etc. Hotel JRD provides tourism guidance to its guests in visiting various tourism destinations in Konkan viz. Vengurla port, Fort Sindhudurg, Tarkarli, Deobag, Dajipur Wildlife Sanctuary, Kolhapur etc.

jrd resort amboli Address

The address of jrd resort amboli is Near ST Stand, Vengurla-Belgaum Road, Amboli Tal. Sawantwadi, Sindhudurg, Maharashtra 416532.

jrd resort amboli Website

The Website of jrd resort amboli is hoteljrdinternational.com.

jrd resort amboli Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of jrd resort amboli is 02363 240 222 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of jrd resort amboli Service Center and jrd resort amboli customer phone number is given below. The helpline of jrd resort amboli customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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