Aquaguard Water Purifier Bangalore Customer Care Phone Number

Phone Number of Aquaguard Water Purifier Bangalore is 07483038789, 022-30454001, 3988 3333 .
The Aquaguard has great UV technology which help in removing bacteria, algae, viruses, fungi etc. Aquaguard Water Purifier is the famous water purifying solutions devoloped by Eureka Forbes which is from the Eureka Forbes group. Eureka Forbes was founded in 1982. Aquaguard Water Purifier company having headquarters in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. Suresh Goklaney is the chairman of the company.

Details Of Customer Response Center And Paani ka doctor center In Bangalore

In order to get extra information regarding the products of the above mentioned company there are various offshoots and service centers setup at in every state and also in every city.Same is the case with city of Bangalore where number customer service and Paani ka doctor centers for instance:
For Sales Enquiries: 07498201333
For Service Queries: (STD code of your state's capital) + 3988 3333
For Any other Queries: 080-30286384
City/State: Bangalore, Karnataka
Pincode: 560 082

For Sales Enquiries: 07498201333
For Service Queries: (STD code of your state's capital) + 3988 3333
For Any other Queries: 080-32448768
City/State: Bangalore, Karnataka
Pincode: 560 010

No:27,2nd FLOOR, 100 FT ROAD,
For Sales Enquiries: 07498201333
For Service Queries: (STD code of your state's capital) + 3988 3333
For Any other Queries: 080-30286912/13
City/State: Bangalore, Karnataka
Pincode: 560 047


For Sales Enquiries: 07498201333
For Service Queries: (STD code of your state's capital) + 3988 3333
For Any other Queries: 080-30289827
City/State: Bangalore, Karnataka
Pincode: 560 060

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Aquaguard Water Purifier Bangalore Address

The address of Aquaguard Water Purifier Bangalore is 2nd and 3rd Floor, High Poing 4, 45, Near Bangalore Golf Club, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.

Aquaguard Water Purifier Bangalore Email Address

The email address of Aquaguard Water Purifier Bangalore is

Aquaguard Water Purifier Bangalore Website

The Website of Aquaguard Water Purifier Bangalore is

Aquaguard Water Purifier Bangalore contact person

The contact person of Aquaguard Water Purifier Bangalore is na.

Aquaguard Water Purifier Bangalore Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Aquaguard Water Purifier Bangalore is 07483038789, 022-30454001, 3988 3333 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Aquaguard Water Purifier Bangalore Service Center and Aquaguard Water Purifier Bangalore customer care number is given below. The helpline of Aquaguard Water Purifier Bangalore customer care number may or may not be toll free.

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Aquaguard Water Purifier Bangalore Phone Number Customer Service

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Aquaguard Water Purifier Bangalore Customer Care Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care male
Mr. Chandrashekar J CallsSep 25, 2018

Mr. Chandrashekar J On Phone To Aquaguard Water Purifier Bangalore Service
Aquaguard enhance model water purifier
Not working since yesterday night's lightning kindly attend the problem and fix it.

Aquaguard Water Purifier Bangalore Customer Service Care Phone Number 230662
Mr. N.s.subbanna CallsJun 19, 2015

Mr. N.s.subbanna On Phone To Aquaguard Water Purifier Bangalore Service
I have an Aqua Guard Infiniti Model. I want to change the Cartridge since one year after its installing is over. I have failed to contact any Aqua Guard representative. Please ensure the Cartridge is replaced. I want the GENUINENESS Of the FILTER to be guaranteed since I have had previous experiences which have not been satisfactory.

Aquaguard Water Purifier Bangalore Customer Service Care Phone Number 226717
Mr. H K Sharma CallsApr 27, 2015

Mr. H K Sharma On Phone To Aquaguard Water Purifier Bangalore Service
We have aquaguard Royal since last 15 years in Bangalore service was satisfactory on AMC basis. Presently we are facing lots problem in attending complaints. We made a complaint on 16th of April complained number Was 81157282. 20th one person telling his name Gaura came to attend the complained and after seeing AMC his stamens was " this AMC is not made by me so I will not attend the complained and it will be attend only in September 2015" Even he is young man he doesn't know how he should talk to customers he is talking in way that he is only chairman of co. OurAMC is valid till 03/09/2016. Sir I am daily requesting your customer care serviice by phone and SMS BUT TILL now nobody is giving proper commitment when complained can be attend. We hope that some body will see our problem and arrange to short out it immediately. With Regards, H K Sharma (mob. No. 919845010713.

Customer care male
Mr. Raman CallsMar 31, 2015

Mr. Raman On Phone To Aquaguard Water Purifier Bangalore Service
I ordered Aquaguard water purifier on 15th of marc2015. It got delivered on next day. But for installation I have been calling them daily, everyday they used to tell we will send today. Worst experience with Aquaguard service in Bangalore.

Customer care male
Mr. Dr Suresh CallsMar 25, 2015

Mr. Dr Suresh On Phone To Aquaguard Water Purifier Bangalore Service
Purchased Aquasure from chroma on Sunday. Till date no one representative called up for the installation. Pl ask to fix the problem at the earliest opportunity. Dr Suresh -9886436935- TataNagar, sahakarnakar, kodigehalli-Bangalore-92.

Customer care male
Mr. Rk Srivastava CallsMar 25, 2015

Mr. Rk Srivastava On Phone To Aquaguard Water Purifier Bangalore Service
Inspite of my repeated reqst at Patna no body is providing service support for eureka forbes aquaguard though it is under AMC. Rk Srivastava kamla aptt flat no A / 204 Shanti Vihar Colony Ambedkar Path near poonam gas godown patna 14 09771425812.

Customer care male
Mr. Revati Raman Pandey CallsMar 23, 2015

Mr. Revati Raman Pandey On Phone To Aquaguard Water Purifier Bangalore Service
Aquaguard Water purifier has to installed in my another house. Can you help me?

Customer care male
Mr. Ranjit CallsFeb 18, 2015

Mr. Ranjit On Phone To Aquaguard Water Purifier Bangalore Service
Complaint number is 0080286842. I have registered complaint on Monday (16th February 2014). But it is three days now no technician have turned up to fix the issue which I have raised regarding my Aquaguard.

Customer care male
Mr. Ganesh CallsFeb 11, 2015

Mr. Ganesh On Phone To Aquaguard Water Purifier Bangalore Service
I have called to your cc and booked the service request, but so far no one has turned up. This the service you provide for your customers.

Customer care male
Mr. Anish CallsNov 04, 2014

Mr. Anish On Phone To Aquaguard Water Purifier Bangalore Service
I need to buy one. No one picks on the numbers provided by just dial. I wonder if this is the service offering before buy, what is it in store after sales?

Customer care male
Mr. Raghu CallsOct 29, 2014

Mr. Raghu On Phone To Aquaguard Water Purifier Bangalore Service
Even after taking continuous follow up, no service personal has visited us. Very poor response from Aquaguard.

Customer care male
Mr. Raghu CallsOct 27, 2014

Mr. Raghu On Phone To Aquaguard Water Purifier Bangalore Service
We are using Aquaguard nova water purifiers, but we need them to be serviced urgently. We had tried calling, but have got very poor response from the concerned.

Customer care female
Ms. Nethravathi.c CallsJun 20, 2014

Ms. Nethravathi.c On Phone To Aquaguard Water Purifier Bangalore Service
We have purchased aquaguard water purifier for our office located at basaveshwaraNagar, Bangalore. We need your service as it is having some problem of overflowing.

Customer care male
Mr. SHIVANANDA CallsOct 08, 2013

Mr. SHIVANANDA On Phone To Aquaguard Water Purifier Bangalore Service
I want to purchse a aquaguard water purifier. I stay in KasturiNagar, Bangalore. Kindly provide me nearest dealer's contact.

Customer care female
Ms. archana CallsAug 13, 2013

Ms. archana On Phone To Aquaguard Water Purifier Bangalore Service
Staying on bannerghatta rd what is the customercare number for service after sales. Employed persons cannot even tell the proper no to contact

Customer care user complaints