Mada Kuwait Customer Service Phone Number

Phone Number of Mada Kuwait is 1-822888 .
Mada Communications Co. commonly known as Mada is a Pioneer wireless facility provider that provides broadband and intranet services in line with current wireless technologies for business sector. It was founded in the year 1984. The headquarters of the company is situated in Kuwait, Kuwait, Shuhada'a St., Aliaa Center. The company is commercially situated in Lebanon.

Products and Services

Mada is regarded as the company to launch Data Connectivity and Wireless Internet services in Kuwait. The product line of the company consists of the services such as wireless broadband internet; value added services, wireless internet and telephone services. The company operates with the Aim to connect its consumers to the wireless revolution by the means of a quality broadband internet services. The other services provided by the company are hosting solutions, wireless broadband access, virtual private LAN service (VPLS), fiber optics solutions, data center and multi-protocol label switching (MPLS).


The initial name of the company was Arab Telecommunications, which was later change to Mada Communications Co. The company aspires to provide the internet world new height and make it pillar in Kuwait's network of communications in order to place made on the global platform of advanced technologies and communications. The company dedicated to turnout one of the countries' and Middle East's best service and communication solutions providers. The company's network is fully independent and does not contain the interference of any fixed line service providing operator. The company also consists of the largest wireless data coverage in the Kuwait region and is considered the Kuwait's only Wireless Internet Broadband service provider company.

Mada Kuwait Address

The address of Mada Kuwait is Hawalli-Block 214, Qassima 13, Complex 126, Kuwait.

Mada Kuwait Website

The Website of Mada Kuwait is

Mada Kuwait Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Mada Kuwait is 1-822888 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Mada Kuwait Service Center and Mada Kuwait customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of Mada Kuwait customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.

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Mada Kuwait Customer Service Number Delineated Here With Complaints and Reviews

Customer care male
Mr. elinio CallsJun 07, 2013

Mr. elinio On Phone To Mada Kuwait Service
very low speed in in full coverage. i am on a ten MB speed package, but my seed is just 0.7 mb. i have made complaints many times, but poor response.

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