Alshaya Kuwait Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Alshaya Kuwait is +965-2224-2000 .
Alshaya is a business entity established in Kuwait since 1890. It is an international retail franchise company that sells nearly 70 international brands that are sold to nearly 2,500 outlets across the Middle East, European, and African countries. The group has appointed nearly 36,000 employees. It is a private and family owned business.
It is classified into main seven retail sectors such as cosmetics, food products, pharmaceutical products, office stationery, and other recreational and entertainment products. The Ashlaya Group is also engaged in construction, automotive, hotels, and real estate. Today, it has acquired La Senza , a brand of U.K. It has entered into partnership with The Cheesecake Factory and Ihop restaurant since 2011. Since November 2012, the new brands that were added to the entity such as COS, Victoria’s Secret, Jack Wills and these products are located in Avenues Mall today.

Alshaya Kuwait Address

The address of Alshaya Kuwait is Pepsi Cola Street, Behind Mercedes-Benz Garage, Shuwaikh, Kuwait.

Alshaya Kuwait Website

The Website of Alshaya Kuwait is

Alshaya Kuwait Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Alshaya Kuwait is +965-2224-2000 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Alshaya Kuwait Service Center and Alshaya Kuwait customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Alshaya Kuwait customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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