Nbcc Monocton Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Nbcc Monocton is +1-506-462-5012 .
The NBCC community known as New Brunswick Community college is the largest area in Monocton. It is one of the rapidly developing area in Monocton today. This college today consists of nearly 3500 students. Nearly 90 courses are taught in the school. In this school, you can study diploma courses, degree courses, impart literacy training, correspondence courses, and also impart corporate training and apprentice training.
In this college, the Student Representative Council is set up to provide training in extra-circular activities such as sports, BBQ’s, skiing, and social nights. This college conducts nearly 35 full-time programs such as Applied and Media Arts, Business Management, Construction, Civil Engineering, Electronics, Environment, and other courses related to engineering. You are also provided with Co-op Education and given practical training in subjects such as chemical technology, industrial control technology, Information technology and the other subjects based on technology.
Some courses such as event management, waste management, and other management courses are even taught online. They conduct programs such as SWAP ( Student Work Abroad Program), CUSO, World University Service, and International Youth Internship Program, to the students who wish to study abroad.
If you want to seek admission in this college, then you must fill a Form and send it for processing before November 1st every year. If the applications are more than the prescribed seats, then the selection is made based on the average Marks of the students. They offer different programs to the students such as Student Aid, Scholarships, Bursaries to students to provide them financial assistance.
You can be a resident of this school also and you will be provided with food and transportation facilities also. The fees for international students are slightly higher than the domestic students. You can also fill a form online and process the fees online. You must produce your High School certificate to seek for admission. They also provide admission to the disabled students. They encourage and provide admissions to the mature students, international students, and transfer students also.

Nbcc Monocton Address

The address of Nbcc Monocton is 6, Arran Street, Campbellton, New Brunswick E3N 1K4, Canada.

Nbcc Monocton Email Address

The email address of Nbcc Monocton is collegeworks@nbcc.ca.

Nbcc Monocton Website

The Website of Nbcc Monocton is www.nbcc.ca.

Nbcc Monocton Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Nbcc Monocton is +1-506-462-5012 (Click phone number to call).

The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of Nbcc Monocton Service Center and Nbcc Monocton customer phone number is given below. The helpline of Nbcc Monocton customer phone number may or may not be toll free.

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