Izmir Phone Number Customer Service

Phone Number of Izmir is 0232446 25 20 .
Ingilizce Kursuis a professional language school which is situated at Selvili Business Centre, Cankaya, Izmir. It was established in the year 1981 by Morgan Finnegan. It has 400 branch schools in all over the world which serves to more than 1 million students annually. The school offers high quality language courses in Banking and Finance, Ingilizce for Presentations, Law, Business, Medicine and Tourism. Ingilizce Kursuis has a team of highly qualified teachers who are certified by the British Council Engage-Study-Activate (ESA) technology. There are many facilities for the students such as Cinema hall, Computer Centre, Library, Canteen etc. Paul Jordan is the head of the school. It also provides placement services. The address and contact number of Izmir is also used for Izmir Airport, Izmir Beaches, Izmir Tourism and Izmir University.
Fax Number: 0232425 30 42

Izmir Address

The address of Izmir is 1374 Sk No 18 K 4, Selvili Business Centre, Cankaya - Izmir.

Izmir Email Address

The email address of Izmir is info@theenglishacademy.com.tr.

Izmir Website

The Website of Izmir is www.theenglishacademy.com.

Izmir Customer Support Service Phone Number

The customer support phone number of Izmir is 0232446 25 20 (Click phone number to call).

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